Sunday, June 13, 2010

FC-professional Womé injured his knee

Cologne - shock: The morning practice session on Thursday, Pierre Wome has sustained a knee contusion.
It happened in a duel with Luke Nottbeck - Wome had training in the Franz-Kremer-Stadion stop early and limped from the pitch.
FC coach Soldo for EXPRESS: "He has hurt his knee. It's probably a bruise."
Wome will be because of the injury on Friday at the test match it is not in Oberhausen.
The good news: Kevin McKenna graduated after knee problems the first time a light training run.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Revolt against Adenauer's plans for Cologne

From Hurth, Frechen, and will soon Pulheim West-Cologne. Bergisch Gladbach, and lime will be added.
The move from Chancellor Konrad Adenauer's grandson, Cologne had to be greater, provides vertebrae. And now prompt the counter comes from the "candidate area" Hürth recover Sülz!
Adenauer wants incorporations with Cologne's lack of resolve affordable living space. "We can help," the mayor Hürther Walther Boecker (SPD): "We, the former municipalities Hürther districts Braunsfeld, capstone, Kriel and Sülz back to Hurth, and already reduced the price of land there."
His counterpart from Frechen defends itself against the connection. Mayor Hans-Willi Meier (CDU): "We like to look even at the Cologne Cathedral, but that now goes too far. Only take the Cologne us the industrial Marsdorf gone and now they want more. "
The readers say EXPRESS
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Photo: Sommerfeld
Everywhere there is much discussion about the annexation proposal by Konrad Adenauer, the chairman of the house and grounds. The position of EXPRESS-reader Monia Faraci (32): "What we do with these cities!? Cologne is big enough! ".
Photo: Sommerfeld
Jonas January (45) and son Jacob (5) see the practical benefits that would have the Amalgamations: "This would indeed be fewer administrative costs and thus would be saved. Why not?! "
Photo: Sommerfeld
Karin Funk and Ingo Römlinghoven not understand all the excitement: "The cities are still quasi Frechen Hürth and anyway it!"
Photo: Sommerfeld
Petra Piroddi (43) would be happy about growth: "As I am from Cologne generous. It benefits the other cities like: Why not? "
Catherine Schuller (23) wants to be a from Cologne! She lives in Frechen and finds: "It is lovely and quiet - Cologne is too hectic. These include I will not. "
Christian Hickmann found in the forum EXPRESS clear words: "Know nit mer bruche, nit mer, Domet fott!"
And Ingo Noack happy in EXPRESS-Forum: "Then I can swap my dreadful BM-mark against a venerable 'K'."
And football fans in the Christian stamp expresses EXPRESS forum a very different idea: "Please also dazunehmen Leverkusen, then the FC would be the superpower on the Rhine!"
EXPRESS-reader comes from Heidi Klouth Hürth: "I am against it because this again with higher taxes for us citizens would be connected!"
And Klaus Dieter Lauenroth from Hürth gets excited: "So it is only the debt will be reduced and passed on to the surrounding area. We want to remain small, but beautiful! "
Adenauer Calls during the Cologne land reclamation, to acquire cheap lands, and then to make land. Lutz Urbach (CDU), Mayor of Bergisch Gladbach, said: "If a city wants to create housing, they can also move without the city limits."
"I think the proposals of Mr. Adenauer bravely and well," says a social democrat. Namely, Markus Thiele, district mayor in lime. He had also called for the incorporation of Bergisch Gladbach, so that the ruinous competition of cities to stop attracting businesses. Thiele: "We should take this discussion as an opportunity to initiate a discussion group with the neighbors."
FDP faction leader Ralph Sterck advocates a "city region Cologne" - with a directly elected by the citizens to Regional Event, which takes care of common land use, transport and industry.
If Pulheim, Frechen and include Bergisch Gladbach Hurth and Cologne future? Your opinion on /
Also of Interest
Chancellor Adenauer's grandson wants to incorporate the surrounding area