Monday, April 26, 2010

Nippes 5700 new residents expected

Cologne - trinkets to grow - and how! 5700 new residents will move in the next few years, in addition to the township. Especially for young families, the city plans to invest millions more in schools and kindergartens.
On hearing this, the approximately 200 Nippeser like that had come on Saturday for the task force-Veedel of EXPRESS, Radio Cologne and the city. They cheerfully take the opportunity to work with Mayor Fritz Schramma (CDU), District Mayor Bernd Schößler (SPD) and government representatives to discuss their needs and the Aufreger in Veedel to.
Knick-knacks that counts now has 108,000 inhabitants. And some will find there Nippeser sad that the closure of its ansteht pool. 2011, it is probably so far. Schramma regretted this, but it was a lack of swimmers and is responsible for high costs. He warned against hasty demand a new building: "The new bathroom eventually have to pay all its citizens."

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Rhine railway tracks as a bone crusher

Dusseldorf - The 340-kilometer rail network Rheinbahn is full of traps.
Bone Crusher for for bike and moped riders. Danger! Even motorists have to be careful not holed asphalt obstacle to the steering.
EXPRESS joined in the rail network to more patchwork and Schlamperei.Millionen be pumped into the underground construction, above ground but is often geschlampt. Some examples:
• case Kalkumer Street: According to the Post Office at 100 meters wide and deep cracks beside the tracks. They have not been poured. Episode: motorists, it sometimes breaks off the steering wheel, fall hazard to dispatch rider.
• case of Bender Street: In the upper section does not include the pavement on to the rails. The rough track is a danger for cyclists and dispatch rider. In the bottom of paving stones are dropped.
• case Aachenerstraße before Südring: At 50 meters either side of the patchwork of tracks, the asphalt is broken away, the potholes are getting bigger.
• case Volmerswerther Street: Cracks in the road beside the tracks, holes, gaps. Although the driver can see the patchwork of paths before the loop - they clearly do not report the defects.
Despite many shortcomings: The rail Rheinbahn is better than the other cities. However, it remains problematic for cyclists when they have to use roads with rails: risk of falling!
Rheinbahn annual budget of around two million euros for repairs are available. Rheinbahn spokeswoman Heike Schuster: "We constantly monitor our network. Can we learn from losses, leads a troop of timely repair the repairs. In some cases, also participates in the city. "
Rüdiger Heumann of the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC), "The bike paths are often weak force to take evasive action on the street. We advise you to go between the rails and paying attention to the traps, should the Rheinbahn quickly repaired. "

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hertha Pantelic suspended

Berlin - Marko Pantelic to re Eddy: The commonly called "Diva" known star striker of Hertha BSC Berlin has been suspended by his club for a game. Reason: unexcused absence from training.
Pantelic had gone to the match in Serbia against Austria (3:1) in rehabilitation and was not released on Thursday afternoon to Hertha training. That he agreed with any of the leaders in Berlin.
Well, the top scorer of the match against VfB Stuttgart, Hertha's from the stands watch. Only on Sunday the 30-year-old can start training again. Moreover Pantelic was fined. Their height is a secret.
The penalized player has since apologized to the club leadership. He had slept under the rehabilitation therapy at home and therefore calls on his cell phone does not belong.
However, Pantelic was also noticed in the past been desöfteren uncomfortable. He publicly criticized the medical department of the association and also opposed on the pitch with the instructions of the coach Lucien Favre. He had arranged that Pantelic after three missed penalty can no longer take the penalty point - but what this was doing anyway. Against Wolfsburg (2:2) he messed his fourth consecutive Penalty ...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Judges wanted Feierabend - executed man

Washington - It is because of its uncompromising attitude of opponents of the death penalty only named "Sharon Killer" - and Judge Sharon Keller, on 25th September 2007 to its reputation once again, all honor.
 The U.S. Supreme Court had adopted an appeal against the constitutionality of lethal injection, which was the desire to postpone an execution becomes possible.
But when the attorneys for death row Michael Richard after a computer failure to clock 16.50 in the court invoked so that it would remain open 20 minutes longer than usual, replied the clerk at the direction of the judge: "We close at 17.00 clock."
An urgent application to the U.S. Supreme Court to postpone the execution failed, then, because the opinion lacked the competent judge in the field.
Richard was executed that same evening with the lethal injection - the 48-year-old was the last death row inmate before a seven-month moratorium, whose sentence was executed.
Keller is now running against disciplinary action in Texas: You must request the postponement of a death-hearted candidates have prevented. The judge must therefore before the court in San Antonio because of a responsible official misconduct.
At the hearing in San Antonio now, both sides presented their versions of what happened dar. Keller's lawyer asserted, according to local media, the judge had pointed only to the closing hours of the offices, so I do not mean that afterwards no request for postponement could be made more .
 By contrast Richards attorneys reiterated their view, Keller refused to extend the opening times, although this was the case of the death penalty is common practice.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Heavy accident on A-4

Frechen - Too fast into the curve - that can end up with a Schwerlasttranporter quite ill.
Friday morning, the motorway junction Köln-Süd. At about 10.00 clock a 26-year-old wants to turn his MAN truck from A-4 on the A 555th Its cargo: 4-meter-long logs.
  But the 26-year-old goes to fast in the loop. The lateral inclination of the truck capacity is exceeded, it seize the vehicle and the cargo attached straps. The van topples, the charge blocking the entire roadway.
   Blessing in disguise here is the driver. He was not wearing a seatbelt, but he got away "with only" a concussion. He could finally free themselves from the dented driver's cab. He had only briefly hospitalized.
    "Difficult suffered" by the accident, however, has the car to the truck and the guardrail damage to property was damaged in the amount of approximately EUR 80,000.
The shuttle had to for the duration of the accident record and the work of removal will be blocked. Only at approximately 15.30, the clock lockout could be rescinded.